Monday, August 31, 2009

No Thyroid Problem!

Tests came out good. I have a very normal thyroid! YEAH!~ I guess my metabolism just got better with age. Is that possible?!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

update: Another Test

I went in today for my yearly physical with my gynecologist and was talking to her about my unexplained weight loss and how I haven't gained it back since I was sick over 2 months ago now. She is a little concerned about a thyroid problem so I was once again sent to labs for some work on my thyroid. I just hope there is nothing wrong, and I am just gifted to lose 10 lbs by not trying!!!! She mentioned something about how an autoimmune disease can affect your thyroid. SO......we wait yet again for more tests and hopefully to deliver more good news that I am healthy!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Whew! The move is officially over and we have lived here now a full week! Everything is unpacked and the house looks like our own. What a great feeling! The boys LOVE the new house, especially their new bunk beds and play room.

Reminder that the Lupus walk/run is coming up in a few weeks. If you haven't signed up and/or donated you still have time. Go to and click on the walk/run logo to the right. Make sure you search for my team (anne burau) to join and/or donate. It should be a lot of fun!

Health wise, everything seems great! I'm just getting over a cold...Thanks to my son who must have picked it up at daycare, but other than that...things are still checking out great!

Well, we are off to get more stuff done!