With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I felt a Thankful post was due! I have so much to be thankful for I don't even know where to start!!!
1. First and foremost, I am thankful for my husband. He is an amazing, supportive, caring, loving husband and I could have never asked for more! He is such a hard worker and even though there are some days I really hate being alone all the time, I know he is doing it to help us and someday will pay off.
2. I am thankful for my son. (& Step son). They keep me young and give me so much joy. I cannot imagine my life without them and never in a million years thought I would have two boys. I thought for sure I would always have girls!
3. I am thankful for my job. In these trying times of the economy, it truly is a blessing to still have a job!
4. I am thankful for our Country and the people who serve our country.
5. I am thankful we have found a church in our new community that we love and that loves us! We just become members last week!
6. I am thankful for all of my friends! I don't get as much time to spend with them now that I have a family but miss them and love them just as much as before!
7. I am thankful for our home. There are a lot of people these days that do not have one.
8. I am thankful for my health. I never know if it will last another day.
9. I am thankful for my parents as they are the ones who have molded me into the person I am today. They are amazing people!
10. I am thankful for God. And the life he has given me.
What are you thankful for this year?
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
The Calling
My life is about to dramatically change.
Come June 4th, 2011 I will embark on my first ever mission trip to...

Right when we think life can't possibly get any crazier, I am taking on this new venture and making it even crazier!
How did it all start you ask??
Well....here is my story.
It all started years ago. I have always wanted to do a mission trip. Ross and I talked about going on one when we were older. Like retirement age. Kids grown up and out of the house. No jobs. Lots of free time. Perfect...right?
Well...a few weeks ago I woke up in the morning with a burst of energy flying through my body. I was smiling ear to ear all morning and was on "cloud nine." The reason? I was being called. Called to serve the Lord. Called to help others in need. Called to leave my home. My family. The comforts of my own home. and take on the challenge of helping others in need. I have never had this "feeling" before. This huge desire that I HAD to do this and had to do it now. And alone. I was being called by God to do this alone. Not bring Ross. Not bring the kids. Alone.
So, I called my church and asked if they knew of any mission trips coming up. The secretary didn't know anything about them but said she would pass on my information to the pastor to see if he knew of any. That evening I went home and went onto facebook and I see my step brother in law's facebook status talking about hosting a Guatemala trip in June and starting to get ready for it. I sent him a message about it and within ten minutes my inbox was filled with applications and information on Guatemala 2011. You cannot tell me this is a coincidence.
The paperwork is filled out and mailed and in 8 months I will be embarking on a new journey. A journey of love. faith. hope.
Now, this may all seem crazy to all of you and honestly, it is to me too. I am a very organized person. I have my life planned out to a "t." However, how I envision my life is not always how God envisions my life. I always pictured my life to be perfect. Healthy, two kids, a husband that works normal hours, a job I love, etc. I've ended up with a lifelong diagnosis, one child, one step child, a husband with about 4 jobs, a stressful, busy job and a life of craziness. And here is God again, upsetting my "vision" of a life.
Now, this may all seem crazy to all of you and honestly, it is to me too. I am a very organized person. I have my life planned out to a "t." However, how I envision my life is not always how God envisions my life. I always pictured my life to be perfect. Healthy, two kids, a husband that works normal hours, a job I love, etc. I've ended up with a lifelong diagnosis, one child, one step child, a husband with about 4 jobs, a stressful, busy job and a life of craziness. And here is God again, upsetting my "vision" of a life.
I'm scared. Really, really, really scared. Leaving my son. My husband. My step son. for 9 whole days!!! I have never done this. And alone. Going into a country I have never been to. I don't speak their language and living with a "team" of people I have never met and will spend every waking hour with for 9 whole days!!
So...I have been praying a lot. Praying for God to give me the strength to take on this wonderful challenge. I know it will be amazing. I know I will be changed forever. I know this will be the most amazing opportunity of my life and I'm ready.
So there it is! So please, I ask for your prayers as I accept this new journey in my life. Please pray I get the strength to accept this journey and be excited about it and not be scared. I ask your prayers as I try to learn some Spanish before I go there. I ask for prayers for comfort and peace and stability and be ok leaving my family for 9 whole days!!!
I will keep you posted with many Guatemala details these next 8 months!
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