Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thank You!

I just want to take this time to thank family, friends, blog readers, strangers, etc for all your prayers, thoughts, emails, cards, etc.etc.etc........... I am truly in awe as I sit back and go through my inbox of emails from you all & comments on my blog giving me strength through your kind words. Ross & I are truly blessed to have such wonderful people in our life and as I already knew we had wonderful people in our life, It sometimes takes things like this to happen in our life for us to REALLY see it and appreciate it. Its something we took for granted and will never take for granted again.

A lot of people have asked how they can help and I know I am horrible at asking for help or accepting help from anyone until it is too late, however, right now the only thing we can really ask for is what you are already doing....Praying, loving, listening, & supporting us through this time. I'm sure Celeste would be open to getting any help she can on the Lupus Benefit for the Lupus Foundation she wants to have this winter too. She can be reached at:

I apologize for having such a negative post yesterday, I regretted it after I posted it and debated deleting it but then realized that this blog is for me to reveal my true feelings and thoughts while I go through this battle. I know I'm going to have better days ahead and I have to be patient for those days, sometimes it just seems so far away and things keep going backwards for us instead of forward. I keep reminding myself of the title of my blog, "Perception is half the battle" and when it comes down to it...that's all it really is......


Anonymous said...

Hi Anne!
I'm a friend of your friend Krysten's-I know we've only met a handful of time through her-but I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and hoping for the best always.

I'm wondering if you've come in contact with a great site, It's full of great information about lupus and other chronic illness. Check out The Spoon Theory:
(I have a Live Journal buddy who is fighting Lupus; that's where I got these links.)

You have at least one more person thinking of you and saying prayers on your behalf. (HUGS) and hang in there.
~Adrienne Sokup

Anne said...

Thanks adrienne, I just quick checked out that site and it looks great I'm excited to read more about it!!! Thank you for the thoughts and prayers!