Tomorrow we head to the cities, and then Friday at 6am we are on our way to Mexico!I didn't think this would ever come!
I did have a minor set back this week, which really caught me off guard. The last few weeks my left hand pinky has been getting a little swollen. Well this week, I decided I better go in when it swelled to the size of a small hotdog and was in extreme pain. I went in and I guess it's just part of the arthritic part of Lupus, but the doctor did think it was weird that it was in all three joints in my pinky. Usually, it's just one joint. Go figure:) She advised me to get back on steroids and do a "shock treatment" where you take a few high doses for a few days, low doses for a few days, then quit immediately. I told her I was not going down that path so she decided to inject my joints of cortizone and said she can't guarantee it would work. It hurt like crazy and had to wear a big splinter on it for 24 hours but I figured it was better than drugs. When I took the splinter off, only one joint was better and the rest were still puffy so I did start the shock treatment of steroids. It's already starting to feel better and almost down to it's normal size. Hopefully when I get off steroids again in a week or so, I can stay pain free for awhile!
Hope to come back in a week and update with many pics and awesome stories!
Until are some updated pics of the little punker.
Easter egg dying..nice "Perkins" apron hu? It was from my old college days of waitressing!
i still read!! everyday i check to see if there's a new post!
I am a faithful follower!!! Have a great time...and RELAX
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