Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Waiting Game...

Well, I couldn't get scheduled to see the Retina Specialist until July 31st so I have a few more weeks. It must not be THAT urgent... Just gives me more time to worry about it I guess!

Nolan is getting so big and changing every day. He is talking a lot more. His most common words now are "momma" "dadda" "hi" Bye" "Love you" "Car" "Please" and "Puppy". He has figured out that if he just says "please" or in Nolan's words "Peas" he can get what he wants. He has also started rebelling a little. When I tell him to come here...he takes off in the opposite direction, wanting to be chased. The little stinker in him is sure coming out! I also think he is going through a growth spurt. All he does is eat. He seriously eats more than me at dinner time. It's crazy. Here is a video of him last night. Apparently I don't feed him enough...

I am finally starting to really notice my hair getting thicker, especially on top. I don't have the "bald" spot that I used to have! I am also trying to keep it short to make it look fuller. I just can't wait to have a full head of thick hair again!!! Someday!

STILL have not gained any weight back from being sick. I usually wouldn't care, but this just doesn't seem right. I haven't worked out in over 3 weeks and I'm eating whatever I want. Usually...when I do this, I gain weight VERY easily. Something doesn't seem right. I'm going to give it a little more time, and then probably call or go in to get checked out.

Excited to have a day off this week and enjoy the 4th of July weekend with the family. Happy Independence Day to All!

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