Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I just re-read my last few posts and noticed I never updated on a few things.

#1 being Ross's surprise 30th birthday! First of all, it was perfect. Everything about it. He was surprised, we had a huge turn out, and it was a beautiful day! He came home around 6 to a house full of friends and family and wonderful food surrounding him. He was completely smitten and enjoying every second of it. Then, two hours into his party we brought him outside and surprised him with his second surprise....a big party bus! He was completely in awe and had one of the best nights of his life he told me:) I can't wait to plan his 40th! :)

#2 the Lupus Foundation of MN blog.......well it should be up and running by now, however the staff person that was in charge of launching the new website and blog ended up leaving the company so this project is "on hold" as the other staff have their plates full and they haven't replaced her. This ended up being a blessing in disguise as I haven't had any time to do any blog posts on my own blogs this summer so I can't imagine doing them for theirs too! I'm assuming within the next few months the blog will be up and running.

#3. The 2011 lupus walk is scheduled for Saturday, September 10th in Plymouth at French Regional Park again. Unfortunately, I will not be attending as this is a super busy day for us! I have my 10 year class reunion in WI that night (still not sure I'll make it...) and also have my nephews baptism that night! For some reason, everything seemed to fall on that date! However, I hope to be back full force next year and get some funds donated. If you want to walk , feel free to go to the Lupus Foundation of MN's website and click to register for the walk or run or donate money. Every little bit does help! :)

Those are my updates for now!

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