Thursday, October 23, 2008

MRI results

The nurse just called with my MRI results and unfortunately here I am posting bad news yet again. I yearn for the day to post good news, to tell you all I am healthy and well.

I have AVN (Avascular Ostenecrosis) basically it is not enough blood flow to my bone resulting in a small fracture of the knee. Google it if you want to know more. I'm waiting now for the Ortho to call me to schedule an appointment with them. They will have to look at it and decide if I will A.) be put on crutches ...which actually don't think would work since this is in Both my knees. B.) monitoring/therapy or C.) Surgery. I am required to stay off the knees now, except to walk. No more working out.

The steroids are the cause for this. There is a small % of people that this can happen to and go figure it happens to me!

I have an appointment tomorrow with my nephrologist and I will be talking to him about getting off the steroids and also about getting a 2nd opinion from Mayo. I called my insurance company, and I don't need a referral so I'm thinking it's time.....Enough is enough.


Daddy's Dream ~Mommy's Miracle said...

oh how i wish i could make this all go away. hang in there...

Anonymous said...

Be very aggressive! This is your health here! Do everything in your power to get better!
We're thinking about you.

Jen Gagnon