Friday, October 10, 2008


I have FINALLY reached my out of pocket expense for my health insurance and now everything is 100% covered for me...well until January starts over again. Thank God there will be no more medical bills for the next 2 months!!!!!

My nephrologist has also lowered my dose on my steroids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited about this. This means he is confident that I am getting better and hopefully the lower dose will help some of my facial swelling go down.

Yeah for good news today!!!!


Sara said...

I found your blog a few weeks ago and came to check up on you. I've read some of your recent posts and I saw your picture.

Please know I would react the same way you have--I wouldn't want to look in a mirror and I would be upset at the dumb comments too. Please also know that I looked at your most recent picture and I truly think you still look beautiful!

I am glad you are done with the out of pocket expenses for the rest of the year.

I am praying for you!!

Hugs, Sara

Anne said...
