Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November already?!

Wow has it been awhile or what?! No news is always good news though! Everything here is going G-R-E-A-T! Recently, they took me off another medication, so I am down to only two different medications a day which is awesome!!! I get tested in a few weeks to see how my body is reacting to the loss of the last medication we dropped. So far I feel the same and have not had any swelling or flare ups that I can tell, so I think it's working!

Ive had to go in to get some injections into some of my joints a few weeks ago, but other than that, I have remained healthy (knock on wood) during this crazy time of H1N1 scares, and all and all feel great!

Nolan is now 21 months! I'm sad to think that in just a few more months he will be 2 and I won't be saying he's "month" old anymore, it will be years. He's at such a fun age though and learning new words everyday. Some not the best his new word last week which starts with a "sh" and ends with a "t!" OPPS! We have introduced him to the potty chair, but he doesn't seem to really care about it. He went one time on it and that's it! I guess when he's ready, he's ready!

Until next time!

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