Monday, November 28, 2011

Today is a good day!

Today my friends, I took the last of my kidney pills! My $50.00/month pill! Hopefully forever. I've been slowing weaning the medication for a few months and after my appointment today showed great lab results, the doctor was ready for me to stop the medication! I'm super excited but also super nervous! If you remember correctly, it was this drug that ended up getting me into remission after chemo didn't work any longer. I've been on the medication for almost 3 years and as happy as I am to stop taking it, I am also super super scared! I will get labs taken in 2 weeks to test for any signs of protein in my urine. If nothing shows up, I'll be good for another 2 months until I have to test again. If some protein shows up, I'll have to do a 24 hour urinalysis again. And if a lot of protein shows up, I'll unfortunately have to get another kidney biopsy. This is worst case scenario and they do not anticipate this happening which is wonderful!!!

So...please pray that my body can handle itself without the medication and if all goes well, I could possibly start another drug wean in a few months!!!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A lesson on listening to your body...

We've all heard it before. Listen to your body. You know your body best. Blah, blah, blah. However, the story I'm about to tell is a classic example of listening to your body the most.

I started getting a cold about 3.5,almost 4 weeks ago. It started with a cough and headache and turned into more coughing. I figured it was just a cold and kept presuming my day to day activities. I did stop working out as it was becoming difficult to do a workout without coughing up my insides!I knew I should really get to the doctor, after all, even though a cold is usually not a big deal to most people, a cold for me can be life threatening and sometimes put me in the hospital. Well, after about 3 weeks, the cough started to get better and I knew I was on the right track. Why go to the doctor now when I am starting to feel better, right?

Well, then a few days later, Thursday of this week, I woke up with a terrible what felt like a full blown sinus infection. My face and head hurt so bad. I went to work and throughout the day it was just getting worse. It got to the point where I couldn't concentrate anymore so at 3:30, I left to go to the clinic. As I was driving from work to Nolan's daycare I noticed I was getting really weak and almost noticed it was harder to breathe. I chalked it up to all the coughing I've been doing over the last 3 weeks and now I'm clogged up in the nose. By the time I got to Nolan's daycare, I knew something was more seriously wrong. I decided maybe it wasn't safe to drive to the clinic and instead I should go home and wait for Ross to get home. So I called him, but he didn't answer. I was in so much pain at this point I decided I was just going to drive myself to the clinic, it was only 15 min. away after all.

The 15 min. drive easily turned into 30 with the road construction and detours that I should have known about and I found myself getting very anxious about just getting there. When Nolan would ask questions, I would tell him that I couldn't talk. As I noticed it was getting harder and harder to talk, almost as if my throat was swelling up? We made it to the clinic and I was starting to check in when all of a sudden I couldn't stand anymore. Everything was fuzzy and that was it. I told the receptionist that I was going to faint and fell to the ground. Details were pretty fuzzy but I just know everything was fuzzy and I was gasping for air. I looked around and my little boy was laying right on the floor next to me with a very confused and scared look on his face. I didn't even have enough air to talk so I just grabbed him and held him. They put me in a wheel chair and wheeled me to the ER. (Luckily the hospital was joined with the clinic!!!!)

When I got to ER, I was given a breathing treatment and what I believe was a medicine to relax me as I was freaking out pretty much. Not being able to breathe very well or talk is extremely scary, especially with my 3 year old next to me not knowing what was going on. Tears were welded up in his eyes as he saw me struggling for air and crying, but trying not to cry because it was too hard. Luckily, after the breathing treatment and the relaxer I was finally able to have enough air to talk relatively normal, hold my son, and text my husband to come to the ER. I was then given a chest x-ray, bunch of blood work, and an EKG.

My biggest fear was something wrong with my lungs or heart and thank God they found nothing except a sinus infection and bronchitis. I had pretty high counts of white blood cells which shows an infection and that my body was working very hard. The doctor assumes that because my body has been working so hard for almost 4 weeks trying to get me healthy, it was becoming extremely week. By the time I got to the clinic, it just gave out and when I realized I gave out, started to hyperventilate. I'm hopeful that is what happened as I never want to experience something like it again. However, I was sent home with an emergency breathing kit just in case it does.

So....I should have really just gone to the doctor a few weeks ago as I probably had bronchitis from the start. The doctor said that if a cold lasts more than a week, it's not a cold anymore. So that's a good thing to remember! After friday and today of literally sleeping all day, I'm starting to feel a little better and hope to be back 100% or close to on Monday for Halloween. I don't want to miss my little hero dressed up as a dinosaur:)

Nolan and I did have some good talks today about what happened to mom and that it shouldn't ever happen again. Today when I was trying to take a nap he asked me if I was still breathing:) He was so strong and so brave throughout it, I'm so proud of him!

Praying we both can heal from this experience and never experience anything like it again!!!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Our BIG news!!!

I know I have hinted at earlier posts that we have been news and big things are happening for our family.

Well here it is!!! read it right. We are adopting!!! God has placed adoption heavy into our hearts and we are so excited to see the story unfold for us. We started the process in January so it feels so good to have it approved now almost 9 months later. If you want to read more about our journey, I started blogging about it.

Continued prayers for our family, my health, and the birth mothers out there making this selfless decision are greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I just re-read my last few posts and noticed I never updated on a few things.

#1 being Ross's surprise 30th birthday! First of all, it was perfect. Everything about it. He was surprised, we had a huge turn out, and it was a beautiful day! He came home around 6 to a house full of friends and family and wonderful food surrounding him. He was completely smitten and enjoying every second of it. Then, two hours into his party we brought him outside and surprised him with his second surprise....a big party bus! He was completely in awe and had one of the best nights of his life he told me:) I can't wait to plan his 40th! :)

#2 the Lupus Foundation of MN blog.......well it should be up and running by now, however the staff person that was in charge of launching the new website and blog ended up leaving the company so this project is "on hold" as the other staff have their plates full and they haven't replaced her. This ended up being a blessing in disguise as I haven't had any time to do any blog posts on my own blogs this summer so I can't imagine doing them for theirs too! I'm assuming within the next few months the blog will be up and running.

#3. The 2011 lupus walk is scheduled for Saturday, September 10th in Plymouth at French Regional Park again. Unfortunately, I will not be attending as this is a super busy day for us! I have my 10 year class reunion in WI that night (still not sure I'll make it...) and also have my nephews baptism that night! For some reason, everything seemed to fall on that date! However, I hope to be back full force next year and get some funds donated. If you want to walk , feel free to go to the Lupus Foundation of MN's website and click to register for the walk or run or donate money. Every little bit does help! :)

Those are my updates for now!

Fall already?!

Wow, can't believe it's coming to the end of the summer already. I remember being a kid and thinking summer break was "forever!" Now, I feel like I blink and it's over with!

My health has been awesome this summer. Never got sick (a mini cold for 2 days ) but that's it! In fact, I'm doing so great that a few weeks ago my nephrologist and rheumatologist together decided I was ready to taper off one of my medications! I'm super excited about this for a few different reasons. One being this is the most expensive drug I take. It is $50.00 a month and I take 4 HUGE horse pills/day. Second, being I am all about "all natural" and would prefer to treat myself naturally so the less medications I have to take ...the better! and's just a really good sign that I am healthy and hope to be healthy for a long time! The wean off this medication is a long one...6 months but so far I've been on a lower dose for going on 3 weeks and haven't noticed any signs. I'll go back in another 4 weeks to check labs to make sure everything is still stable. If it is, they will reduce the prescription again and then wait another 2 months and then repeat...
Pending everything going perfect, I should be off this medication by February....!!! Which is a pretty special month for me because it was this month that my son was born and this month that I went into remission. I'd be more than happy to celebrate February again with getting off a medication! I would then go from taking 7 pills a day down to 3!!! How amazing is that?!

Other than new news to report. Ready for fall and have things quiet down a bit!

Here is an updated pic of me and my little guy. Can't believe that he will be 4 this winter. Seems like yesterday he was born. And in one short week..I'll be sending him off to his first day of preschool! *tear*

Monday, June 20, 2011

Cake pops: Take 2

Turkey Pops for Thanksgiving favors!
Multi Colored cake pops for Nolans friends at daycare

Christmas pops for Christmas!

Baptism cake pops for my nieces baptism

I'm working on a cute 4th of July one that I will post after I make them! Enjoy and good luck!

Cake pops!

I love everything about cake pops. They are cute, fun, tasty, and you can do so many things with them! A few people have asked me to write a post about cake pops and although they may think I am the cake pop queen...I have a long way to go.

My cake pop inspirations have all came from a wonderful blogger named bakerella. I randomly came across her blog last year and when I first saw her blog it was love at first site. Her and I are a lot a like. Were both blonde, we both have kidney problems (she just got her 2nd kidney transplant) and mostly We both LOVE to bake. However, she is like 10 times better than me..and I'm ok with that. For now.

I love her so much I even bought her book on cake pops. The book has been much more helpful in my cake pops because it gives way more indepth advice on how to make them and different tips to try if they are not working out for you.

So, here is how I make them and my tricks/tips, however I still advise you to check out bakerella because she after all is the official cake pop queen!!!

Items you need:

-Box of cake (that's don't need to make a homeade one for these to taste great!)

-Can of frosting

-2 bags of candy melts ( I find these at michaels, here is an example of them. I try to buy them when they are on sale otherwise, they are about $2.99/bag at michaels

-bag of lolipop sticks ( I also find these at michaels)

-any sprinkles or anything else you want to put on your cake pops

1. Bake the cake per the directions on the box

2. Once the cake is done baking, allow to cool. (0vernight is best)

3. Crumble the cake up into little pieces

4. Add a little less than 1/2 the can of frosting and mix it all up.

5. Roll them into small balls and put them on a cookie sheet

6. Put them in the freezer for 15-20 min or so to get them kind of hard

7. Melt the candy melts

8. Dip the tip of the lolipop stick in the melted candy and then stick it in one of the balls.

9. Then, dip the stick with the ball into the candy just once

10. Tap the stick to get the excess candy off of it and to make it smooth. Bakerella shows some great pictures of these on her website and book. I can NEVER get mine as smooth as she does for some reason.

11. Sprinkles sprinkles or just leave them how they are and stick them into styrofoam to let them dry!

Seems easy, right?! I love when people tell me they are going to make these for the first time. Then, they come back to me and are so frusterated and don't understand how I do it. Trust me, folks, it took practice!!! My first few batches were complete flops and I was ready to be done with them forever. Make sure you have plenty of time and your kids are not running will need to devote your undivided attention into these things to make them successful:)

The 2nd post will include pictures of my creations!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I am having a hard time believing that May is almost over. However, when I look back at all the things we have been dealing with along with some other commitments I have taken on, I can see why May went by so fast!!!

I am planning a surprise 30th birthday party for my husband, Ross and if you know me I don't throw parties without looking at each tiny little detail. It's a major flaw for me because I get so obsessed with all these tiny details that no one even cares about! I just need to learn to let go! His party is in two weeks and I am super excited for it to be here and then be over! :) Ross has no clue which makes these even more fun.

I have also been asked to be one of the blog authors on the Lupus Foundation of MN's blog. Though this is a wonderful opportunity, it's also a huge commitment on my part. The blog is expected to launch in a few weeks so between now and then I have to have 3 blog entries done, a profile for me, and some ideas for potential titles. It's been a little hard fitting this all in but know this is something I really want to do.

So...stay tuned for the release of the blog. Excited to share my story and help others deal with lupus!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Raw post

I have to admit, I feel I have hit bottom right now. I am emotionally and physically exhausted Today was the first day I cried in front of Nolan. Tried so hard not to but it just all came out! He hugged me and asked me why I was sad. At that moment, everything that made me sad went away. My sister told me today to not dwell on the negative and to just be happy that I'm healthy and I have my family. And, I'm holding on to that by a string right now. To start out...We are still in the custody/child support/battles right now for Ross's son and it's just getting so old. I think the thing that put me over the edge was coming home to a $2,300 lawyer bill for just the month of March. We have now spent over $15,000 to fight for this child. Oh boy, could I write a book about this and I hope that someday these memories are as bitter and strong in my mind and I am able to put what has happened in a book. I feel so vulnerable to the devil right now. So raw and open to evil. I have hatred in my head, in my heart. I have said things I regret, and thought even worse things I regret. As I was driving to McDonalds tonight, (Yeah, I'm an emotional eater leave me alone!) I admitted to God that I was surrendering to Him. Asking Him to help me and use me in this time of vulnerability. I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason. Everything. We are fighting for this child for a reason, a reason we may not even know about at this point of our life. We have drained our savings, and risked our marriage for this child. A child that is not even mine. Sometimes that is almost just too much for me to even comprehend. Sometimes I feel like crawling in a hole and not ever coming out. Tonight is one of those nights. So tonight, if you are reading this, please pray for me, for my family. Please pray we can find peace in the decisions that have been made and pray that God uses us during this difficult time and that we can be glorified in this process.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Nolans 3rd Birthday

Just noticed I never posted about Nolan's 3rd Birthday!!! oh how time just flies....

We had a candy themed party for it and it could not have fit him anymore perfect as he has a major sweet tooth! (like his mommy and daddy!)

After his party, we went to a hotel with Ross's family and the kids got to swim and then order pizza. We had a great time! Can't wait to plan his next one:)


So excited that is it already the middle of March! We are itching to get to the cabin and out of the house again!

We just had an article published about Ross's family finding their sister. It is an amazing story and we all feel so blessed to be able to be part of it!

Click HERE to read the story! Make sure you have some tissues handy, it's a real tear jerker!

Now that Nolan is 3 it is amazing how independent he has become. He wants to pick out his own clothes, dress himself, help me with EVERYTHING, and now he can ride his big boy bike! (with training wheels of course!) He has quite the sense of humor and is always making us laugh with his quirkiness. Love him so much!

We have some more exciting news to announce but that time will come soon!

Healthwise, still feeling great and enjoying EVERY second of it! I was going to be running the minneapolis marathon again this June but ended up having Ross's Surprise 30th birthday party scheduled for the day before the marathon. Don't think I will be able to bar hop all night and then go run 13.1 miles! So, I'm going to try to run one in September. It's ok because the weather here has been so cold I haven't been able to get outside and run like I did last year at this time. So the treadmill has become my friend!

Well, that's it for now!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Car Accident

Last Tuesday, I was driving to work. Listening to my radio, ready to get gas and start my day at work. As I was on a 2 lane hwy I was thinking "how weird is it that one second I'm driving without a care in the world and the next second you could be in a car accident." Not 2 minutes later I got hit. Seriously. Weirdest thing ever.

I was in the left turn lane yielding to oncoming traffic. As I was turning into my turn the lady that hit me was at a stop sign at the street I was trying to get to and didn't see me and went. Crash! I was hit on my side and then on the side where Nolan would have been sitting if we was with me. Thank GOD he wasn't! Though I don't think he would have been hurt either, he would have been scared to death!

Luckily, everything turned out ok. The lady took full responsibility and my car is fixable almost $6,000 later! I have to have a rental car for two weeks which has been a bit of a pain and I had to get new car seats but not having anyone hurt is by far the biggest thing for us to be Thankful for. As you can see by the picture below (which doesn't do justice of the damage) if the lady that hit me would have been a larger vehicle she would have hit me way higher up and possibly causing way more damage and possibly injury. We are so very thankful that she was in a tiny car and I was in a big vehicle!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Guatemala Mission Trip: Canceled

It's taken me awhile to write about this post. Mainly because I'm not sure how I feel about it. A few weeks ago I backed out of the mission trip. There were a few underlying problems including me getting MAJOR anxiety about it but there is something that has came up in our lives and I had to look at both of the things and decide which was more important at this time in my life. There were other things too..... like my husbands 30th birthday and me wanting to run the Minneapolis 1/2 marathon again this year interfering with the trip. It seemed like everywhere I looked there was yet another road block to conquer.

I can only hope and pray that I will have an amazing opportunity like this again and even though I feel like God was calling me to go on this mission trip, I feel him calling me to this other "priority" much, much more.

I hope that I don't regret this decision but I know that God has a plan for me in all of this and am so excited to see His plan unfold for me!

SO yes...on a side note I have decided I am going to try to run the Minneapolis 1/2 marathon again this year! I'm really still struggling with the whole IT issue in my right knee but am hoping I can conquer it and have another successful training and race. So excited to train my body for this challenge again!!! I will start writing in my running blog: when I start my formal training in April.

Hoping we have an early spring this year too!!!! Have a very Blessed day everyone!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Puerto Vallarta 2011

We're back! Ross and I had an amazing time in Puerto Vallarta but missed the boys like crazy! We spent most of our trip being lazy by the pool but did venture out downtown and walked the boardwalk one day, went snorkeling on the island of yllapa, and went to a few hockey games at the local pub. The resort we were staying at was about 80% Canadian, so we met a ton of fun friends that say "eh" a lot! We were the only Americans at the resort that we were aware of. Crazy. They nicknamed Ross "Minnesota."

The food wasn't the best at our resort so we found ourselves venturing out a lot to eat. At the resort, I settled for rice and beans for pretty much every meal! I'm so sick of rice and beans I never want to eat them again! At least for a long, long time. We had Burger King one day for lunch and it tasted the best but was so expensive! Ross paid $9.00 for his Whopper meal! Crazy!

We can't wait to go on another trip!!