Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Another round down!

Well 7 hours of chemo and another round is done. Today was exceptionally hard for me for some reason. The time went by so slow and I was so bored. Thank you for all the people who entertained me with text messages:) I told Ross I need a blackberry so I can at least go on the Internet, however....he doesn't agree. (they have no Internet access or sucks!) Luckily, the benedryl knocked me out for a good hour. My room also didn't have a bathroom which was unfortunate because every time I had to go to the bathroom I had to unplug the IV thing and wheel it in the hallway to the bathroom. This was very uncomfortable for me to walk through the halls of the cancer center, the youngest person there, and have people stare at me...I think I might request a room with a bathroom from now on.

I am super tired so I will probably go to bed by 8 tonight. I hope I feel better tomorrow so I can go to work refreshed. Getting injections tomorrow to hopefully prevent the low white blood count again so please pray this works and I don't get into the dangerous zone again.

Here is a video of Nolan army crawling. (Ignore Ross on the phone in the background!) He is so fast and I have to always be watching him now. I can't believe he is going to be 8 months old already this weekend!

Here is another video of Nolan saying "Dada" That is all he says now. I am working on him to say "Mama" but every time I say it he says "Dada". Go figure.....

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