Monday, October 27, 2008

Going to the U of MN for a 2nd opinion MONDAY!

The U of MN just called and they have my 2nd opinion appointment scheduled for Monday with Dr. Mark Rosenberg. I am surprised they got me in so fast but also very excited about it! Hopefully this can put to rest anything that we are questioning.

This Wednesday I also see the ortho so we will find out then what to do with my knees. I have been experiencing extreme pain in my knees while sleeping which is a bad sign I guess since there is no pressure on them. Please pray hard this week that we can overcome this without needing to do surgery or be in a wheelchair or crutches. With an 8 month old that crawls all over...none of these are really something I can do right now!!!

Starting Friday I am being tapered off the steroids, which was wonderful news for me. It will take about a month for me to get off of them, or at least to get to the lowest dose amount. I have heard different things about when my face will go down. Some say not until I am completely off steroids and some say once I reach the lowest dose. I'm hoping it is the second one!

Hoping to post some positive news in these next few days! Please keep the prayers coming!

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