Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why are doctors so darn expensive???

We are starting to get medical bills weekly now and I am shocked to see that everytime I meet with my Nephrologist, kidney doc, it costs $500!!!! The labs I am getting done weekly are also costing about $500! My insurance company is going to hate me. Luckily we only have to pay 90% now that I reached my deductible but still...that alone is $50.00 each! This really makes you realize how important it is to be healthy and to not take it for granted.

I finally got up to running my 3 miles yesterday. That was the first time I did that since before Nolan was born. I was very happy about this. My joints were pretty sore afterwards but I was glad that I pushed my body. I know exercise is huge in staying healthy for me.

3 more days until my biopsy...I'm starting to have bad nightmares and I hope it is just all in my head. I just want it over!!! Needles in my back just give me the quivers!!!! Please keep praying!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you get some encouraging results back! Stay strong! It was great seeing you last Friday! :) Miss you friend!
