Monday, September 15, 2008


So what we didn't want to happen, happened. My White blood count dropped from the chemo. Before Chemo it was at 13.5 and now I am at 3.4 which is in the dangerous zone I guess. This makes me super prone to infection and sickness. No wonder I'm so tired!!! I have to go in again tomorrow morning to get it tested and if it is low again, I will be receiving another injection! Ahhh! I'm sick of these labs and injections and doctor appointments!


Daddy's Dream ~Mommy's Miracle said...

Praying for your strength.

Anonymous said...

Anne call me !! I spoke to you about 1 month ago and you told me you were fine, things were ok ??? Now I read that you are on Chemo. Please fill me in !!! I'm very lost as to what your diagnosis really is and why you are on chemo. ???? Is it chemo or dialysis ??? I'm concerned so CALL !


Anonymous said...

Call me early if you have to, or when you are out of work. (just when you have time please )